Diarmuid O'Leary
The musicians in the Bards
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The story and music hits so far...

The Bards
Instrumental and traditional music
The Bards Management
47 Casimir Road,
Harold's Cross,
Dublin 6W, Ireland

Telephone: +353 1 492 3307
E-mail: info@thebards.ie










Live in concert
The Bards' first recording success came with a Number 1 Hit single - Julia, steppin' it out, at "Lanigan's Ball" - a comedy song which became a classic and one of the biggest selling records in Ireland earning them a Gold Disc Award.

This first hit was produced By Bill Whelan, composer of the world famous Riverdance music. It was followed by another comedy hit "The Oldest Swinger In Town" and both of these songs have earned their place in the annals of memorable hits.



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